1.聖誕歌曲:We wish you a Merry Christmas, Silent Night
Santa Claus is coming to town, Jingle bells
2.繪 本:Brown Bear, Brown bear, What do you see? 版本2
Goodnight Moom, I like it when... ,
I Love You, I am Special, Sandwiches,
3.讀者劇場:There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,
The very big turnip, Three little pigs,
4.英語歌曲:Do Re Mi, It's so easy, You are my sunshine,
Sha la la, We are the world, We are the world(1) (2)
5.經典童謠:Roses are red, Star light, Row your boat,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, What is pink?
Rain, Rain, Go Away, Rock by baby,
London Bridge is falling down, Good night, sleep tight
6.其 他: 字母音標講義, There was an old lady寒假作業,
Star light 暑假作業, Roses are red 暑假作業
7. 劇 本:91a 相聲, 91a The advanture of Santa,
92a 相聲, 92a Who took the cookies?
92b 6G - How do you go to school?