
1.聖誕歌曲:We wish you a Merry Christmas, Silent Night

                Santa Claus is coming to town, Jingle bells

2.繪     本:Brown Bear, Brown bear, What do you see?  版本2

               Goodnight Moom, I like it when... ,

               I Love You, I am Special, Sandwiches,

               Go Away Big Green Momsters

3.讀者劇場:There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,

                The very big turnip, Three little pigs,


4.英語歌曲:Do Re Mi, It's so easy, You are my sunshine,

                Sha la la,  We are the world, We are the world(1) (2)

5.經典童謠:Roses are redStar lightRow your boat,

                Twinkle, twinkle, little star, What is pink?

                 Rain, Rain, Go Away, Rock by baby

                 London Bridge is falling down, Good night, sleep tight

6.其      他: 字母音標講義, There was an old lady寒假作業,

                 Brown Bear寒假作業, KK 音標(母音表),

                 Star light 暑假作業, Roses are red 暑假作業

7. 劇    本:91a 相聲, 91a The advanture of Santa,

                92a 相聲, 92a Who took the cookies?

                92b 4G - A happy family

                92b 5G - An English Class

                92b 6G - How do you go to school?

                93a Thankgiving

                93a Santa got stucked

                94a Minnie's Mr. Right

                Goldilocks and three bears

 8.實境會話:98b-4G 98b-5G


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