Try again

That didn't work. 這樣不行

Let's try again.    我們再試一次

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Charlie bit me

Charlie.                              查理

Charlie bit me.                     查理咬我

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Ba, Ba, Black Sheep

Puff the magic dragon 1

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Star light, Star Bright

I have a dream-練習

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Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star



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Row, Row, Row your boat

Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?

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Ten Little Indians



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這幾天連日陰雨,大家都要凍成冰棒。結果,跟劇中的台詞一樣:What a beautiful day today!我們在陽光燦爛的日子去獵熊。

練習時吵吵鬧鬧,上台時成為精彩的爆發力,What a terrific show! (好個精彩的表演),老師以大家為榮,唯一的「出槌」是:因為太興奮了,所以錄影時手在抖動....



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小康妮 (Connie Talbot)

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